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Transform Your Business and Grow Revenue with a Fully-Managed Blog

A well-maintained blog will transform your website from an online brochure to a helpful information portal and content-marketing machine. Your blog's fresh and relevant content can drive search engine rankings and links back to your site. It will feed your social media pages and email newsletters with a steady stream of engagement opportunities, and it will set your business apart from your competitors as an authoritative practitioner in your chosen field.

web blog content

Improve Your Search Engine Optimization

SEO search engine optimization rocket

CONTENT IS KING! Since search engines exist to connect users with their desired information, it makes sense to drive more search traffic by creating searched-for content. A well-managed blog can build a content bridge between search engines and your business. Rather than trying to fool search engines with the SEO scheme of the week, certiBLOG feeds search algorithms and drives more organic traffic to your site.

Compelling and helpful blog content can increase users' time on your site and even generate links from other publishers who share your content with their audiences. As more people visit, spend time on, and link back to your site, search engines will view your domain as a more authoritative source of information.

Your blog can also drive traffic from what SEO experts refer to as long-tail keywords. A whopping 75% of searches start with long-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords are lesser used but more descriptive search terms. For example, instead of searching for "furniture," a user may search for "linen platform bed comparison."

Close More Business

closing a business deal

Driving traffic to your site is only the first step. Ultimately, your blog should convert visitors into customers. Creating a connection between blog traffic and conversion requires extra time and planning, a worthwhile investment toward growing your blog and company's profitability.

Most successful blog conversion strategies focus on two things:

  • Creating a compelling call to action with each blog post and linking the article to a sales conversion page.
  • Capturing reader email addresses to support email marketing campaigns.

At certiBLOG, we're committed to supporting your blog through the sales cycle. We create and manage call to action and email subscription widgets for your blog posts, connect your blog to your email provider, and provide comprehensive conversion reporting every month.

Position Your Business as the Expert

certified expert

Every time your blog benefits a reader, your company's perceived value to that potential customer grows. As your blog audience returns for new content, the customer's awareness of your brand and perception of your expertise can continue to improve.

For most consumers, business is about relationships. We like to work with people or companies we already know and trust. Creating and posting authoritative and helpful content builds your connection to potential customers and puts your business in the driver's seat when that customer needs your products or services.

Provide Content for Social Media

social media content

Love it or not, social media serves as a vital link between your business and potential or current customers. Unfortunately, many social feeds only container a list of sales solicitations and shallow messaging. Integrating blog content with your social media feeds offers value to your followers and drives traffic to your website at the same time.

Social media can help drive traffic to growing and established blogs, but consistency is critical. How often have you visited a website's blog or social page only to find that the most recent content is months or even years old? You probably didn't leave that blog or social feed feeling more confident about the represented company. On the other hand, finding regular posts and blog articles gives the impression of an accomplished business with the expertise needed to solve any customer's problem.